
Package api

import "github.com/SmartBFT-Go/consensus/pkg/api"

Overview ▾

type Application

Application delivers the consented proposal and corresponding signatures.

type Application interface {
    // Deliver delivers the given proposal and signatures.
    // After the call returns we assume that this proposal is stored in persistent memory.
    // It returns whether this proposal was a reconfiguration and the current config.
    Deliver(proposal bft.Proposal, signature []bft.Signature) bft.Reconfig

type Assembler

Assembler creates proposals.

type Assembler interface {
    // AssembleProposal creates a proposal which includes
    // the given requests (when permitting) and metadata.
    AssembleProposal(metadata []byte, requests [][]byte) bft.Proposal

type Comm

Comm enables the communications between the nodes.

type Comm interface {
    // SendConsensus sends the consensus protocol related message m to the node with id targetID.
    SendConsensus(targetID uint64, m *protos.Message)
    // SendTransaction sends the given client's request to the node with id targetID.
    SendTransaction(targetID uint64, request []byte)
    // Nodes returns a set of ids of participating nodes.
    // In case you need to change or keep this slice, create a copy.
    Nodes() []uint64

type Logger

Logger defines the contract for logging.

type Logger interface {
    Debugf(template string, args ...interface{})
    Infof(template string, args ...interface{})
    Errorf(template string, args ...interface{})
    Warnf(template string, args ...interface{})
    Panicf(template string, args ...interface{})

type RequestInspector

RequestInspector extracts info (i.e. request id and client id) from a given request.

type RequestInspector interface {
    // RequestID returns info about the given request.
    RequestID(req []byte) bft.RequestInfo

type Signer

Signer signs on the given data.

type Signer interface {
    // Sign signs on the given data and returns the signature.
    Sign([]byte) []byte
    // SignProposal signs on the given proposal and returns a composite Signature.
    SignProposal(bft.Proposal) *bft.Signature

type Synchronizer

Synchronizer reaches the cluster nodes and fetches blocks in order to sync the replica's state.

type Synchronizer interface {
    // Sync blocks indefinitely until the replica's state is synchronized to the latest decision,
    // and returns it with info about reconfiguration.
    Sync() bft.SyncResponse

type Verifier

Verifier validates data and verifies signatures.

type Verifier interface {
    // VerifyProposal verifies the given proposal and returns the included requests' info.
    VerifyProposal(proposal bft.Proposal) ([]bft.RequestInfo, error)
    // VerifyRequest verifies the given request and returns its info.
    VerifyRequest(val []byte) (bft.RequestInfo, error)
    // VerifyConsenterSig verifies the signature for the given proposal.
    VerifyConsenterSig(signature bft.Signature, prop bft.Proposal) error
    // VerifySignature verifies the signature.
    VerifySignature(signature bft.Signature) error
    // VerificationSequence returns the current verification sequence.
    VerificationSequence() uint64
    // RequestsFromProposal returns from the given proposal the included requests' info
    RequestsFromProposal(proposal bft.Proposal) []bft.RequestInfo

type WriteAheadLog

WriteAheadLog is a write ahead log.

type WriteAheadLog interface {
    // Append appends a data item to the end of the WAL
    // and indicate whether this entry is a truncation point.
    Append(entry []byte, truncateTo bool) error